I am taking part of the fantastic Carly's project:
Capture Your Grief. It is a good reason for me to do some writing here this month. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month and always brings so many emotions as I remember River and all of the other children gone too soon. It also would be the month that River turned 3 and a half years old...nearing 4! I would preparing a child for preschool and that is terribly hard for me to imagine. It seems impossible that it's been almost 4 years.
I will be sharing pictures here periodically throughout the month here are a few for this week:
October 3, 2012 |
This picture was taken the day after River was born, just 4 days before he died.
family picture was taken in fall of 2011, River would have been nearing
2.5 years old. We hadn't planned to take a famliy photo but our
photographer insisted. River managed to be part of it anyway! My husband
is wearing a River's Run and Ride Rally shirt and a Hope Rocks hat ♥ Photo taken by Kix Photography.
Some of you may know the Rocket Club song, One More Day. River's picture is in their video and this is a
special item signed by the band (except the drummer). They performed for
our organization in April of 2012 (near River's 3rd birthday). It was
such a special event for us! PS it was really hard to choose one
treasured item.
garden. It is our way of taking care of something living on this earth
in his memory. Some days I think it is out of control craziness but then
I remember that he would be a little boy nearing 4 years old...
Self-explanatory |
So gorgeous!! <3
Deanna, so happy to see you blogging! ((Hugs)) :)
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